English Language Arts.Â
The National Primary English Language Arts curriculum is intended to motivate students to study, use and enjoy English language and
literatures written in English. Learning English includes learning the language, learning through the language, and learning about the language. Its study involves understanding the internal integration of the skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and understanding language itself as a tool for learning. Language provides access to learning. When students understand language they automatically access the entire curriculum.
As the curriculum is enacted, the cross-curricula functional use of language is also illustrated. Students use language to master what they learn in different subjects and while doing so each subject in turn helpsstudents to sharpen their language skills. Additionally, students learn at
different rates so their acquisition of language and literacy skills varies. All students however, must develop mastery of the English Language skills which is critical to their overall development. The English Language Arts curriculum seeks to facilitate this developmental process through a systematic, integrated, learner-centred approach.
“Mathematics is an activity concerned with logical thinking, spotting patterns, posing premises and investigating their implications and consequences. It also involves the study of properties of numbers and shapes, the relationship between numbers, inductive and deductive thinking and the formulation of
generalizations. Mathematics is a creation of the
human mind and therefore becomes primarily a way of thinking thus facilitating problem solving.”
(Mathematics Curriculum, 1999)
Mathematics is the exploration and use of patterns and relationships in quantities, space and time. Statistics is the exploration and use of patterns and relationships in data. These two disciplines are related but offer different ways of thinking and of solving problems. Both equip students with effective means for investigating, interpreting, explaining and making sense of the world in which they live.
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